Did you know that solid brass doesn’t rust? Over time, exposure to the environment and the oils in your pet’s coat will darken your tag.
In our previous tutorial we covered how to clean your brass tags naturally using ketchup, but if you're looking for a significantly faster solution you’ve come to the right place! Today we're going to show you how to give your tag a mirror finish in less than 5 minutes using our polishing kit.

What you’ll need
- Blink Polishing Kit (6 split rings, Flitz polish and polishing pad)
- Soft cloth
- Dish soap

Take a small amount of Flitz (about a ¼ of the size of a pea will do) and rub it all over the tag. Using a clean soft cloth (an old t-shirt will work) wipe the tag thoroughly until you’ve removed the polishing compound. This may take a few wipes. The tag should look pretty shiny already.

Now, use the white polishing pad to buff the surface. The polishing pad effectively removes tarnish and oxidation. You can even skip the Flitz and jump to this step if your tag does not need a deep clean.

TA-DA! With just a few simple steps you can make your tag shiny no matter how tarnished it is. You can see the before (left side) and after (right side) in the image above.

Now that you’ve achieved your desired shine, the last step is to wash your tag with dish soap and pat dry. Make sure your tag is completely dry; moisture can tarnish your tag all over again!

Install one of the new split rings provided with your kit and your tag will look like new! With their now-pristine tag your four-legged friend will no doubt shine with confidence!